Spring Onions


Spring onions come from far eastern Europe and Asai and are closely related to shallots, they get their name from Greece. The green tops of spring onions can be used like chives. Spring Onion Facts  

The list of health benefits for these stalks is long. That combined with low levels of saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol make for a very healthy vegetable. They are known to contain certain antioxidants with antihistamine properties.  Spring Onion Nutrition 

Although good to eat raw in salads, salsas, and Asian dishes, they can be cooked in stir-fries, noodle & seafood dishes, sandwiches, and curries. They are also gilled whole like in a dish enjoyed in Mexico and the south, cebollitas. The spring onions are sprinkled with salt, grilled whole and eaten with rice and cheese and topped with lime juice. Spring Onion Cooking  


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