Lettuce, Red Oakleaf


Red Oak leaf lettuce has elongated, lobed and loosely serrated leaves like those of oak leaves. The vibrant burgundy stained leaves form a semi-tight rosette, growing upward and outward. Red Oak Leaf lettuce has a buttery texture and a mellow, nutty, earthy, and sweet flavor. Red Oak Flavor  

Red Oak Leaf lettuce, botanically classified as Lactuca sativa, is the general name provided for dozens of varieties that produce semi-frilled, loose-leaf lettuces and are members of the Asteraceae family. Red Oak Facts 

Red Oak Leaf lettuce contains vitamins A, C, and K, calcium, iron, and anthocyanins which contain health-boosting antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory properties. Red Oak Nutrition  

Red Oak lettuce's exceptional good looks beautifully dresses up fresh green salads. Use as a decorative edible bed for turkey, chicken or tuna salad. Tuck in pita bread and sandwiches. Red Oak Cooking



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